Apply today and you could be working with us in a month!
Endeavour’s hiring process is comprehensive, focused on your personal objectives, and takes an average of 28 days from start to finish using our 5 steps to success below:
Once your application CV has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
Well done! You have started your Endeavour journey.
(Hint: Visit our CV tips page before submitting!)
CV Marking
Once received, your CV will be scored against the role criteria. If your CV reaches the threshold, you will receive an email invite to interview. If not, you will be notified by email.
Either way, you will know within 10 working days of your application date.
Initial Interview
All interviews are currently conducted through Microsoft Teams where possible. Initial interviews are carried out on a one-to-one basis and are conversational in style. Initial interviews typically last 15-20 minutes.
You will be notified of your interview result within 7 working days.
2nd Interview
Your second interview will be with one or two managers and usually lasts 45 minutes. This stage is focused on the role you have applied for and any relevant experience you have.
You will be notified of your result within 7 working days.
If you are successful in your second interview, you will then be sent a letter of offer for you to review and sign.
Congratulations and welcome to the team!